Antarctica Marathon: Day 1 – Depart Hartford

Sheraton Inn and Sheraton Miami Airport Hotel & Executive Meeting Center

Sheraton Hotel

My plan for today is pretty straightforward.  Finish packing, work until about 3 pm, then have Ashley will drop me at the airport.  I will fly to Miami, where I will spend 3 days before hopping on my flight to Buenos Aires.

Why go to Miami so early and have to spend extra money on a hotel?  Great question!  When planning this shindig, Ashley actually suggested that I leave a few days early.  That way, if any sort of winter storm hits New England, I will either already be gone, or I will have a couple of days to reschedule my flight to Miami.  The last thing I wanted to do was to miss the flight to Buenos Aires and have another situation like I had when I went to Brazil for the Rio de Janeiro marathon!

I finished the lion’s share of packing last night.  When I say “packing” I actually mean gathering everything up.  Marathon Tours staff strongly suggest only taking ONE large suitcase because checking two bags on an airline can get interesting in South America.  I was planning to check one and then carry on the dry pack that I need to carry race gear on marathon day.  However, I was unsure whether everything would fit into one large suitcase + and a 30-liter backpack.  I put everything on the floor in my office and started meticulously packing.  To my surprise, everything fit in one suitcase and a carry-on!  It was tight, but it worked.  Then I got a great idea.  If everything fits into two bags, then why not take three?  WHAT?!?!?  Have you lost your mind, Bob?  Allow me to explain.  I get two free checked bags on Southwest to and from Miami, and I get two free checked bags to and from Buenos Aires from Miami on American Airlines because I booked Premium Economy.  That only leaves the charter flight to Ushuaia, which is where it can get interesting by checking two bags.  Since everything fits into two, I will just put my backpack into one of the other suitcases, then use my small suitcase as the carry-on for the charter flight to Ushuaia!  When I get back to Buenos Aires from Ushuaia, I can spread out over three pieces of baggage and will have a place to carry my gifts.  I hope it works (and will let you know whether I hit a homerun or crashed and burned in the appropriate blog post in a few days).

By 2:45, I was ready to depart.  I had my two suitcases and 30-liter dry bag as my carry-on.  Ashley dropped me off at 4:10 pm for a 6:25 pm flight to Miami.  I zoomed through check-in/security and had TONS of time to wait.  I took two more work calls then got some late lunch / early dinner at D’Angelo’s.  I got a small steak number 9 (without mushrooms) and a small tuna sub.  I have traveled enough to know that I would be hungry when I get to Miami, and there would probably be nothing to eat.  I ate the Number 9 and stashed the tuna in my dry bag for later.

My flight from Hartford to Miami went via Nashville.  Everything was more or less on time, and I arrived in Miami at 12:10 am.  When I arrived at baggage claim, my two bags were one of the first on the belt!  How often does that happen?  Like N-E-V-E-R!  Actually, once my bags were the second off the plane, so I have hit the baggage lottery at least one other time in my life.

I exited the airport and hopped on the shuttle to the Sheraton Hotel.  Within 15 minutes I was in my room eating a tuna sub that was made 1,500 miles away – which brings me to where I am now – writing my blog update for today!

Tomorrow, I have to go to a CVS that is 1.2 miles from here for a COVID PCR test.  After that, I will work the rest of the day.


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